
Give Kihaw an opportunity

2016/02/02 16:41
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Kihaw, which means “beautiful natural harbor” in the Amis tribal language, is located close to Taitung’s Sanxiantai Nature Reserve (三仙台保護區) and Pisirian (比西里岸). Kihaw’s beautiful natural harbor and coral reef, as well as countless other natural resources, have made it a popular tourist spot. But this business opportunity has not gone unnoticed, and in the near future two major development projects will commence, one of which is an ecological aquarium by the Julius Baer Group (寶盛集團). Only seven days before work commenced and with barely any information regarding the project, the company held an information meeting to notify local residents and tribespeople of its construction plans. This sloppy and negligent behavior incited a strong reaction from locals.

The emergence of this large-scale development project will hit the traditional culture of tribal life, and the government has yet to take the appropriate supporting measures or been able to give any positive response to the concerns of the tribe. Pisirian Tribal Youth Group (比西里岸部落青年會) member Fusay Lekal Sapiyat said that pollution from the development project would not only cause environmental damage, but also indirectly strangle their traditional culture through the elimination of the surrounding natural resources. This, she said, would eventually lead to a situation where they would be unable to pass on their tribal traditions.

Give Kihaw an opportunity









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