
Qiu Jin-he uses natural farming to benefit the environment

2016/01/28 12:04
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Formerly a wood sculptor, most of Qiu Jin-he’s work used to be sold in Japan. However, when the industry relocated to China 20 years ago, Qiu Jin-he refused to leave Yilan, and instead chose to retire. He continued to pursue his passion of wood sculpting and also became a high mountain guide, acting as a guide for groups from Yilan Community College. 

When Super Typhoon Herb stuck Taiwan in 1996, Qiu Jin-he was entrusted to provide rescue support to a research team from the Endemic Species Research Institute Conservation Education Center trapped at Songluo Lake in the upper reaches of Nanshi River. On reaching the lake, Qiu Jin-he decided to stay and assist with the research for a total of 48 days, an experience that made a deep impression on him. On the one hand, he got to know a variety of precious species from the mountains of Taiwan; on the other hand, he began to reflect on the problem of environmental destruction caused by economic development. This prompted him to participate in demonstrations to protect Shuanglian Reservoir Wetland and shift his life focus from wood sculpting to the protection of Yilan’s environment. 


Qiu Jin-he uses natural farming to benefit the environment 








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