Community eco-enzyme promotes care for Mother Nature
A very special course is taking place on Wednesday afternoons in Yilan’s Shunan Community, where local residents are learning how to produce eco-enzyme. Participants on the course make the eco-enzyme by collecting tangerine peels discarded by fruit-juice vendors and gathering an assortment of weeds, like timothy-grass (Phleum pratense), flossflower (Ageratum houstonianum) and beggar-ticks (Bidens pilosa).
Residents in the community are very environmentally aware, and some of them are already using the eco-enzyme. Teacher Lin Zu-chi’s (林祖棋), whose catchphrase for the course is “Turn waste into gold”, hopes that communities in Yilan will deal with their own kitchen waste in the future.
In addition, Shunan Community Development Association director-general Li ming-zeng (李明增) is hopeful that through proper promotion of this course, people will begin showing more care for their local community.
Community eco-enzyme promotes care for Mother Nature
社區推廣環保酵素 用不同的方式來友善大地
星期三下午宜蘭縣冬山鄉順安社區有一場特殊的課程:社區居民學習製作環保酵素。他們收集榨汁後的柳丁皮,到農場旁把牧草、紫花藿香薊、大花咸豐草這些我們俗稱的雜草,收集後來製作環保酵素。社區的居民都非常有環保概念,而且有部分人已經在使用環保酵素。 廢棄物變成黃金是課程老師林祖棋一再推廣的概念,他希望將來宜蘭的社區都可以自己處理自己的廚餘。而順安社區發展協會理事長李明增,也希望透過相關推廣,讓大家可以更加愛護鄉土。