
Rongxing Swimming Pool provides fair platform for disabled to pursue dreams

2016/01/13 13:52
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At Rongxing Swimming Pool (榮星游泳池) in Taipei City, the first swimming pool in the country to be set up as a “work shelter”, disabled people are employed to do the less hazardous work like cleaning and reception jobs. Designed specifically with disabled people in mind, the swimming pool truly gives disabled employees an opportunity for self-development.

Customers in possession of a disabled license are entitled to free admission, which includes the use of facilities like wheelchairs and disabled ramps to enter the water. Bathers with poor mobility can even use electric pool lifts to facilitate their descent into the water.

The center actively encourages disabled employees to pursue their dreams and one employee has worked their way up from a cleaning job to holding the position of lifeguard. After becoming aware of this particular employee’s interest in swimming, the coach assisted them in tapping into their own hidden talent and they eventually realized their long-held dream of participating in a disability swimming competition and obtaining a lifeguard license.

Counsellor Xiao-yi (蕭逸) said that in spending each day from morning till night with disabled employees, not only do the disabled employees grow and progress, he too feels a great deal of personal growth.

Rongxing Swimming Pool provides fair platform for disabled to pursue dreams 



榮星泳池 身障者公平逐夢的舞台






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