
Letting life talk through pictures

2015/12/15 11:16
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Born in 1924, despite requiring a walking stick or wheelchair to get around, 92-year-old grandmother Zhao-zhi (招治) still has sharp eyesight, good health and clear thinking. Illiterate and unable to hold a pen, learning to draw was both painful and required strenuous effort. For a time she wanted to give up, but thanks to continuous encouragement from her family, she slowly learned to apply color, cut and paste, tear and stick, do jigsaw puzzles, and finally paint. To date, Zhao-zhi has persevered in painting for more than six years, and now spends 2-3 hours a day in this newfound pursuit. Painting not only stops her from getting bored, but has also allowed her to embark on a new and exiting journey in life.

Her youngest daughter Li Li-hua (李麗花) said: “So far my mother has already produced several hundred paintings, each and every one of which is completely unique.” After witnessing how painting helped focus and stimulate her mother’s mind, she now encourages other elderly people to take up painting as a hobby.

Letting life talk through pictures









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