
Repair your own machinery

2015/11/24 14:52
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Meeting in the shade of a large tree outside a small rice-processing factory in rural Kaohsiung’s Qishan each Tuesday morning is a group of mainly farmers from 9 villages in the districts of Qishan and Meinong; all of the participants attend Qimei Community Universty (旗美社大學). Arriving one after another with an assortment of small-scale farming machinery and devises, participants are here to attend the “Small-scale Farm Machinery Maintenance and Improvement Course”, taught by former lecturer at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Chen Guang-hui (陳光輝). 

After retiring as a college lecturer, Chen Guang-hui originally planned to spend his retirement years touring around with his wife. However, after seeing local people struggle to repair and maintain small-scale farming machinery, he decided to begin teaching at a number of community universities.

Under his guidance, students learn the basic principles of machinery and gain the confidence to disassemble their farm machinery for inspection. If they are not able to fix it immediately, they can call Chen Guang-hui and attempt to solve the problem talking over the telephone. Multitalented Chen Guang-hui also modifies farming equipment, making the devices more user-friendly and easier to operate.

Prior to the opening of this course at the community universities, regardless of the severity of the problem, all machinery had to be sent to a professional agricultural mechanics for repair. Repairs, however, often took several days, holding up farming work and wasting money. An added bonus is that classes have become a wonderful opportunity for students to exchange farming insights and experiences with each other.


Repair your own machinery 










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