
Wheelchair Kindergarten – Never alone

2015/11/24 14:47
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At 8am in the morning, members of “Wheelchair Kindergarten (輪椅幼稚園)” gather one after another in the cloister of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. “Class teacher”, Yeh Yu-yi (葉裕益) warmly greats each and every member on arrival, before leading them through a morning exercise routine and singing old Japanese songs familiar to their generation. The members are divided into different grades: 80 years old and below is nursery; 80 – 85 years old is lower kindergarten; 85 to 90 years old is upper kindergarten; and above 90 is preschool. Recently, Yeh Yu-yi discovered that all of his students are now preschool! 

Already established for 6 years, the idea for Wheelchair Kindergarten came to Yeh Yu-yi while caring for his 100-year-old mother. Yeh Yu-yi was moved after realizing that though domestic care assistants would take their elderly clients outside, they would simply sit in their wheelchairs blankly staring into the distance. Wheelchair Kindergarten encourages elderly people to get outdoors, giving them a sense of belonging and something to look forward to. Seeing these senior citizens smiling and full of energy is Yeh Yu-yi’s greatest reward. 

Wheelchair Kindergarten – Never alone



輪椅幼稚園 長青不孤單






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