
I can grow flowers and vegetables!

2015/10/06 17:11
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PeoPo推 0

Place a handful of earth in a plant pot, add a seedling, and tamp down the soil; though this seems like an easy thing to do, the students at New Taipei City Special School (新北特教學校) require repeated demonstrations and assistance from teachers and volunteers in order to achieve it. New Taipei City Special School provides various vocational training courses aimed at equipping students with independent living skills and the ability to earn a living on graduation.

However, with varying degrees of severity in the intellectual disabilities of students, many of the students are “rejected” and unable to enter the workplace, forcing them to be cared for at home or sent to a nursing home. Therefore, outgoing president of the parents’ association, Chen De-cheng (陳德成), believes that it is important to provide students with a place to continue training after graduation, or cultivate the ability to work independently while still at school.

To this end, Chen De-cheng raised funds from a wide range of sources and set up a small-scale work operation, allowing graduating students to continue working at school. In the second year, he combined the forces of the Green Life Association (綠耕生活協會) and various other organizations, as well as introducing a simplified aquaponics system with a mode of operation suitable for special education students. Through repeated training and learning, students can not only quickly familiarize themselves with the system and learn farming skills, but also increase their sources of income with the production of fish, vegetables, and flowers.

I can grow flowers and vegetables!









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