
“Goodbye Gold & Silver Hall!”

2015/10/02 14:13
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With the hope of helping Lukang residents better understand the local Gold & Silver Hall (金銀廳), Liar Fake Music Records & Tapes, which is situated in Lukang’s Shanxing Street, Changhua County, is currently holding an exhibition called “Goodbye Gold & Silver Hall!”. Built in a Western style during the Japanese colonial period, Gold & Silver Hall was the home of an influential local family surnamed Huang.

Cultural organizations are frantically trying to secure permanent preservation status for the building, which currently only holds temporary heritage protection. However, with the building’s land rights already sold to a new owner, there are still serious long-term concerns over the building’s future. 

On entry into the exhibition, one immediately comes face to face with a replica of the partition board originally used in Gold & Silver Hall, one side of which is gold and the other side silver. In former years, the gold side was used for festivities and everyday use, and the silver side, which represents sadness and bereavement, was used during funerals.

The exhibition also has a 1:50 model of Gold & Silver Hall, many photographs, and a selection of furniture, which gives visitors a better understanding of Lukang’s Gold & Silver Hall and provides a real feel for the actual life of the Huang family at the time. The exhibition will continue until October 4, and on-site volunteers are available to give tours. 

 “Goodbye Gold & Silver Hall!”








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