
“Laughing Cancer Society” uses dance to spread positive energy

2015/10/02 14:10
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“Laughing Cancer Society (笑顏逐開社)” was established in 2008 by a group of dance enthusiasts suffering from cancer. After some time, the administration and management of the society was taken over by Formosa Cancer Foundation (台灣癌症基金會), and in 2009, “Laughing Cancer Society” transformed its focus to volunteering. Members meet each Wednesday for dance practice and regularly visit other cancer foundations to give performances, sharing personal stories in the fight against cancer, and discussing ways in which people can adopt their mental outlook to fight serious illness. 

“Don’t wait until the last moments of your life, and begin regretting all the things you never realized”. Team leader at “Laughing Cancer Society”, Lin Qiong-hui (林瓊惠), said that in the past she would never have dared to dance on stage; however, “Laughing Cancer Society” has given countless women the opportunity to do just that. She is currently paying greater attention to her health, doing regular exercise, and about to embark on a dream trip around the world with her husband. 

“Laughing Cancer Society” uses dance to spread positive energy


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