
Broomtail millet renaissance

2015/09/24 10:06
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Taichung’s Dadu Mountain has an arid climate with scarce water resources, and so the irrigation of agricultural crops relies on rainfall. With little economic benefit from poor crops, agriculture has gradually disappeared from the plateau. However, for generations, broomtail millet has been grown on Dadu Mountain to make brooms. Though times have changed and traditional brooms are now used by very few people, Taichung Wensen Community College (臺中文山社大) and The Society of Dadu Mountain (大肚山學社), hope to revive the hill-farming tradition in the region, especially the planting of broomtail millet. Everyone is anticipating the harvest, when students at the community college will have the opportunity of making traditional brooms.

After a chance meeting with expert Changhua broom maker Zhuang Shi yue-pin (莊施月聘), teacher at The Society of Dadu Mountain, Wu Jin-shu (吳金樹), decided to take his students and learn the skill of broom making from the master. Although Dadu Mountain Plateau and Changhua’s Erlin Township are two distinct areas, they share some cultural similarities. Today, only a small number of people still use traditional brooms made from broomtail millet, but this environmentally friendly cleaning utensil is sure to see a renaissance in the not so distant future. 

Broomtail millet renaissance









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