
Wulai – Reviving Fathers’ Day

2015/09/16 14:31
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Following the destruction wrought by Typhoon Soudelor in the north of Taiwan on August 8, Fathers’ Day will always be remembered with much heartache by Wulai residents. On September 9, one month after the calamity, Haoren Huiguan (好人會館), Guan Shi Yin Charity Organization (觀世音慈心會) and a Taiwanese shoe manufacturer provided much-needed supplies and assistance to the disaster victims. 
At one special event, residents were invited to bring along a branch from one of the many fallen trees, and make a walking stick with tools provided on-site; the walking sticks could then be exchanged for a pair of walking shoes – one pair per family.

Haoren Huiguan said the event aimed at encouraging local residents to take advantage of the resources around them, creating new souvenirs and cultural products, and providing a new face for Wulai. With the furniture of many residents destroyed by water damage or washed away in the rising floodwater caused by Typhoon Soudelor, members of the public wishing to donate large pieces of furniture are invited to contact Haoren Huiguan or personally deliver the furniture to Wulai visitor center.  

Wulai – Reviving Fathers’ Day








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