
Have regional plans been reduced to a corporate free-for-all? Gravel quarrying fears raised for Bagua Mountain

2015/09/16 14:27
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On September 4, environmental organizations from Changhua County gathered in the plaza outside the regional government offices to protest over the negligent content of the county government’s proposed regional plans. Fearing that the plans will become nothing more than a corporate free-for-all, environmental organizations are calling into question the list of committee members, which includes a number of CEOs from the business world.

Executive Director of Taiwan Water Resources Preservation Alliance (台灣水資源保育聯盟), Wu Li-hui (吳麗慧), said that despite Changhua County Commissioner Wei Ming-ku’s (魏明谷) solemn vow to prohibit quarrying on Bagua Mountain (八卦山), he has instead re-designated the mountain from a reservation zone to a development zone. This has raised fears that with just a simple approval, vast swathes of Bagua Mountain will be reduced to gravel quarries. 

Yan Shu-nu (顏淑女), Chief Executive of ‘Healthy Women Group (要健康婆婆媽媽團)’ is requesting that as the county government’s plan involves such a huge area, in addition to experts from the fields of architecture, landscaping, and urban planning, experts should also be recruited from the fields of health risk assessment, environment, hydrogeology, humanities, art and history. 

Have regional plans been reduced to a corporate free-for-all? 
Gravel quarrying fears raised for Bagua Mountain 


區域計畫淪圈地計畫? 八卦山恐成砂石山






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