
Transforming society begins with a scoop of ice cream

2015/08/25 15:34
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A small vendor in Hualien’s Zi Qiang Night Market (自强夜市), “Justice Ice Cream (正當冰)” sells more than just ice cream. The ice cream parlor’s proprietor, Li Meng-Long (李孟龍), is fully engaged in a whole host of social issues, including environmental issues, human rights, animal rights, and food safety. From the Hung Chung-chiu (洪仲丘) case to the more recent Anti Black Box Movement, owner Li Meng-Long has consistently voiced out from the heart. 

By providing free “compassion” ice cream to children in remote areas of the country, Justice Ice Cream is sharing love and warmth between people, transforming compassion into a force in society. Owner Li Meng-Long personally wrote a special report about travelling to rural areas, which has helped to put the spotlight on kids from those regions, and facilitated gaining access to much-needed resources.

Transforming society begins with a scoop of ice cream



改變社會 從一球冰淇淋開始





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