
Marked increase in abandoned rabbits – a home for accompanying stray rabbits

2015/08/18 11:40
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“Xiao-Lu”, a rabbit suffering from severe joint problems, was discovered this April by a person walking their dog below the bridge in Shuiyang Park, Sanchong District, New Taipei City. The person immediately informed Taiwan Stray Bunny Protection Association, and following surgery, Xiao-Lu’s rear left foot was amputated. 

Recently, in Taiwan Stray Bunny Protection Association’s rehabilitation center, there has been an exponential rise in the number of abandoned or improperly raised rabbits like Xiao-Lu. There is always a sharp rise in abandoned rabbits around graduation time and in the winter and summer vacations; some people leave their rabbits with landlords, while others simply abandon them outside. Volunteers hope the government will introduce stricter controls on pet shops, as well as on the breeding and sale of rabbits by pet breeders. The association will continue to fight the problem of abandoned rabbits.  

Marked increase in abandoned rabbits – a home for accompanying stray rabbits 



棄兔不斷增加 他們陪流浪兔等下一個家





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