
Garbage trucks should drive in to reduce burden on elderly

2015/08/10 15:04
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PeoPo推 0

Sanjia is a small sparsely populated village in Dongshi Township, Chiayi County. The garbage truck only comes four times a week and doesn’t drive all the way to the end of the village. This has lead to a situation where whenever the time to throw out the trash arrives, villagers living at the far end of the village can be seen dragging bags of trash to disposal of in the waiting rotating garbage drum at the back of the truck. The villagers performing this task are mostly elderly and children, and it is not an uncommon scene to see villagers chasing after the garbage truck.

Following calls from local villagers, the local township office promised that in the future garbage trucks would drive to the end of the village; however, on grounds of “a dangerous section of road” the garbage trucks refused. Villagers argue that they are paying the garbage collection fee just like everyone else and that the road in front of their houses is more than wide enough. The township office should show more concern for senior citizens and those with mobility issues, and demand that the garbage trucks drive all the way to people’s homes, thereby reducing the burden of carrying heavy loads of garbage for disposal. 

Garbage trucks should drive in to reduce burden on elderly 



垃圾車應開進來 減輕老人負擔






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