
Fears raised over impact of offshore wind turbines on fishermen’s livelihoods and survival of Chinese white dolphin

2015/08/10 14:59
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On the morning of July 27, around 80 fishing boats gathered off the coast of Changhua in Fangyuan Township to stage a protest over Fuhai Wind Farm Corp’s (福海風電公司) offshore wind turbine engineering project, which is feared will adversely impact the livelihoods of fishermen and offshore security. Fishermen encircled Formosa Wind Power Co Ltd’s (海洋風力發電) observation platform during the protest, some of them even climbing on top of it to hang a protest banner, providing a thrilling scene to watch. 

In order to speed up offshore wind power development and build a green-energy economy, in July 2012, the Ministry of Finance implemented “Ordinance on Investment Subsidy for Offshore Wind Power”. In December of the same year, Formosa Wind Power Co Ltd., Fuhai Wind Farm Corp and Taipower (台電公司) were awarded with the demonstration-engineering contract, in which they are each to separately erect wind turbines in the areas of offshore Zhunan, Miaoli and the coast of Changhua. 

Fearing an adverse impact on the fishing environment from offshore wind turbines, Changhua Fishery Association Chen Tzung-yi (陳宗義) is demanding that Fuhai Wind Farm Corp puts aside money to compensate fishermen and assist them through this transition. But in addition to fishermen’s fears that the wind turbines will impact catches, it is probably not good news for the endangered Chinese white dolphin either. 
Changhua Environmental Protection Union, Executive secretary, Wu Hui-jun (吳慧君), said that the wind turbine construction site was about 8 to 10 kilometers offshore, very close to the Chinese white dolphin’s habitat. She is worried that fan noise generated by the wind turbines, seafloor vibration, and dazzling reflections from the rotation of fan blades will impact the dolphin habitat.

In the end, a balance must be found between marine conservation, green-energy development and the livelihoods of fishermen. Though environmental sustainability is a difficult issue, it is certainly worth persevering with to find a path in which all parties can coexist together and flourish.  

Fears raised over impact of offshore wind turbines on fishermen’s livelihoods and survival of Chinese white dolphin









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