
Transforming the karma of rural areas: Home Medical Care x Community Empowerment

2015/06/09 14:49
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A rural farming and fishing village belonging to the city of Seiyo-shi in the west of Japan near Akehamacho, the village of Tawarazu has a population of less than 1300 people, 40% of which is elderly. A few years ago, government-funded rural health clinics were confronted with severe financial shortages and on the verge of closing down, triggering villagers’ fears that they would be left without medical treatment. Originally running at an annual deficit of 30 million Japanese yen, Doctor Yasunori Nagai took over the running of these clinics, turning them into an operation with an annual surplus of 10 million yen.  
Originally, prior to opening his clinic (from 1996 to 2000), Doctor Yasunori Nagai worked in one of these government-funded rural health clinics, where one-third of the village population was approaching the end of their life. Fortunately, with the assistance of Doctor Yasunori Nagai, they were able to spend their remaining days at home.

In addition to this, during his student years he was actively involved in a program to provide medical care to villages without clinics. The experience he gained during his student years working in rural areas, studying in the larger community medical center of Jichi Medical University, and his later participation in rural health clinics, laid a strong foundation.

Doctor Yasunori Nagai has upgraded old equipment, introducing new X-ray machines and hand-held ultrasound equipment, vastly improving the function of these rural health clinics. Moreover, he invites orthopedic surgeons to come once a month from Tawara Tianjin, ensuring that common bone and joint ailments receive proper treatment. 

Transforming the karma of rural areas: Home Medical Care x Community Empowerment


(Rural Clinic: http://www.tawarazu.net/ )
(Doctor Yasunori Nagai: http://www.drtampopo.jp/)








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