
Son’s Words Prompt Lifetime of Saving Stray Dogs for Mrs Zhou

2015/05/27 13:44
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There are countless compassionate Taiwanese citizens investing their life’s blood into the saving of stray dogs, and Mrs Zhou of Neihu, Taipei, is one such individual. One night twenty-two years ago, Mrs Zhou’s son was unable to bear the sight of seeing a helpless stray dog wandering around outside their home and begged his mother to take the animal in; that moment began Mrs Zhou’s lengthy involvement in the world of caring for stray animals.  

After twenty-two years, the monthly dog food and veterinary fees now equate to a bottomless pit, tens of thousands of dollars deep. For fear that her furry friends will go hungry, Mrs Zhou has always bought the cheapest clothes available, has never used skin care products or cosmetics, and has never dared to go on a vacation. Once, while caring for the dogs, Mrs Zhou slipped and lost consciousness; when she finally opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the dogs faces dripping with saliva – she knew at that moment, it was her dogs that had collectively helped her regain consciousness.  

Under the attentive care of Mrs Zhou, an average of forty-four dogs, all with their own names and stories, and most over nine years of age, live a happy and healthy life in a cage-free world. This year, however, she received news that an eco-park was being opened nearby; on the grounds that the dogs could scare people away from exercising, Taipei City Government’s Department of Environmental Protection notified Mrs Zhou that she must vacate the premises by June 5. Helpless and worried, the fate of Mrs Zhou and her 44 furry friends may now be on the cusp of a radical transformation. 

Son’s Words Prompt Lifetime of Saving Stray Dogs for Mrs Zhou



兒子一句話 卓媽媽一生為流浪狗無怨無悔







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