
Please move your home

2015/05/13 12:08
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PeoPo推 0

During the A7 land expropriation project through Linkou, it was discovered that an old family home with protected status was located directly on top of the site for a proposed new road. Unable to bare the thought of tearing down the ancestral home, the homeowner managed to hire an expert house mover – who literally moves the whole house – from southern Chiayi, to help relocate the house to a piece of protected farmland adjacent to the exiting house.

Famous throughout Taiwan, Puzi City “house” moving expert Chen Jiang-mu (陳江木) and his team take their tools to wherever there is a house that needs moving. His team eats, sleeps and works at the site until the job is finished, stopping work only when it rains to avoid any danger.  

The technical skills of Puzi City expert “house” movers have been passed down from father to son over generations. But regardless of the era or changes in technical skills, there are certain points that remain essential: Is the house level when being moved? Are the wheels under the house moving smoothly? The master craftsman must maintain a high level of concentration and patience to take note of any on-site changes.

Though few young people are willing to get involved in such a laborious job, when asked about whether he thought the skill of house moving would soon be lost, Chen Jiang-mu smilingly said: “I don’t think so. Whoever has an interest in it, will take it up”.

Please move your home









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