
Tamkang students raise “Sending Shoes To Rural Areas Fundraising Plan” - Helping students at Sanguang Elementary School to quickly realize their dreams

2015/04/21 14:14
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With an aim of obtaining a new pair of sneakers for each student at Sanguang Elementary School, a group of students from Tamkang University have used an internet crowdfunding platform to launch “Sending Shoes To Rural Areas Fundraising Plan”. The majority of students at the elementary school are from the indigenous Tayal tribe, and the school is situated a long way from their village. To enable Sanguang Elementary School students to have a comfortable pair of sneakers to wear to and from school, “Hope Express (理想快遞)” – a group formed by Tamkang students – cooperated with the social enterprise BR Link, and started the shoe fundraising project on the crowdfunding platform “flyingV”.

Calling for everyone’s support, in just three weeks they got a broad response and succeeded in raising the required number of 61 pairs of new shoes for the children. The kids personally wrote cards using the sincerest of words to express their gratitude for the sneakers, which will hopefully carry them towards realizing their dreams in the future.

 Tamkang students raise “Sending Shoes To Rural Areas Fundraising Plan”- Helping students at Sanguang Elementary School to quickly realize their dreams





一群來自淡江大學的大學生,在群眾募資平台上發起了「偏鄉送鞋計畫」,希望為桃園三光國小的小朋友募新鞋。學生多為泰雅族人的三光國小地處偏鄉,部落與學校間距離遙遠,為了讓小朋友步行上下學的路程,能夠穿上一雙舒適的鞋,淡江大學學生組成的「理想快遞」團隊,與社會企業BR Link合作,在群眾募資平台flyingV上發起了募鞋專案,號召大家一同響應支持,在短短三週內便獲得了廣大的迴響,成功為小朋友募集61雙新鞋。小朋友們親手寫下卡片,用最純真的字句表達感謝,腳上一雙雙承載著希望的鞋,將帶領他們走向自己的夢想。



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