
Easter Peace Concert

2015/04/14 10:50
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Not long after taking off from Songshan Airport on February 4, a TransAsia Airways (復興航空) passenger plane flying from Taipei to Kinmen experienced difficulties and crashed into the Keelung River. Two months on, with the aim of treating the trauma and sending wishes of hope to the city, dozens of churches in Nangang and Neihu joined with Nangang Community College and various other organizations to raise “Easter Peace Concert” at Neihu’s Wufen Suspension Bridge Ruins (五分吊橋遺址), which is just 300 meters from the site where the plane plunged into the river.

Event organizers invited community residents, bereaved families, emergency service personnel engaged in the disaster relief effort and other members of the public who aided the work to remember and commemorate friends, relatives and travelers who lost their lives in the accident. Walking hand in hand with each other in the spirit of mutual help and love, the sincere tone of each and every piece of music helped convey feelings of peace.




Thanksgiving, comfort and hope – Easter Peace Concert


Easter Peace Concert  – Wishing peace for the survivors and rest for the deceased 


Commemorative April 5 Easter Peace Concert








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