
Hsinchu’s “Widow’s Building” historic site destruction dispute

2015/04/14 10:34
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Known locally as the “Widow’s Building (寡婦樓), the Japanese Navy's Sixth Fuel Plant (日本海軍第六燃料廠) is a city-designated historic site located nearby Hsinchu’s National Tsing Hua University. In the early hours of April 6, the building was destroyed by unidentified individuals using large-scale equipment. “Rescue World War II Heritage Alliance (搶救二戰遺產行動聯盟)” has filed a criminal complaint with Hsinchu District Court, demanding that “the perpetrators are found”, “the site is rebuilt” and “World War II heritage sites are safeguarded”. 

Back in its day, the Japanese Navy's Sixth Fuel Plant spanned an area of 300 hectares, and its advanced technology could be said to be the source of Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park. Later, a portion of the site became National Tsing Hua University, Jungjen Village (忠貞新村), and Kuang-Fu High School (光復中學). Later still, No.6 Incineration Area (六燃大煙囪地區) was designated as a World War II Cultural Park, housing associated refining installations such as oil tanks, refining rooms and various other rooms scattered throughout Jungjen Village. Unfortunately, after safeguarding bit after bit of the area’s cultural heritage, Building No.1(一號廠房) was destroyed.



Mayor Lin, please explain Hsinchu’s cultural policy 


Finding the culprits and safeguarding Hsinchu’s cultural heritage 


Cultural killing fields: The occupied area of Hsinchu’s Guangfu Road 



*請新竹林智堅市長 說明文化政策
*找出真兇 保護新竹文化遺產



位於新竹市清華大學附近的日本海軍第六燃料廠,市定歷史建築群(俗稱 「寡婦樓」),於4月6日凌晨,遭不明人士利用大型機具打除毀壞。「搶救二戰遺產行動聯盟」向新竹地方法院遞送出刑事告發狀,提出「找出真兇」、「原地重建」、「保存二戰文化」等多項訴求。




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