
Visitor from the north

2015/03/05 16:03
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The arrival of a wayward Siberian white crane in Taipei’s Jinshan wetlands late last year caused a commotion in the bird-watching community, transforming Jinshan’s Aogu Wetlands (鰲鼓溼地) into the hottest winter birding spot of the year. Droves of bird aficionados and tourists, including a number of foreigners, flocked to the area on a birding pilgrimage. Volunteers from Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation (EEF), who were at the site to carry out a comprehensive study record, shared their findings daily on the foundation’s Facebook fan page.

New Taipei City’s Agriculture Department and Animal Protection Office also dispatched staff to protect the area by marking off the site and erecting public notices. These various groups jointly invested a great deal of effort and money in protecting the area, helping to arouse public awareness in the land and environment, as well as ensuring that this brief but incredibly joyous occasion was fully enjoyed by everyone.

The Siberian white crane will eventually leave, but the cruel reality of Taiwan’s environmental issues will remain on full display to the world. The crane has already been in Taiwan for over 70 days and its feathers have grown back abundantly. So with the heat of spring already upon us, it is hoped that the bird will take flight in the not too distant future and safely return north to its distant home in Russia.

Visitor from the north

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/268599 







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