
Student Zheng Yong-chuan saves 25 students after bus driver faints at wheel

2015/01/20 10:48
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At 7.32am on the 13th January, 40-year-old Tainan’s Hsin Rong High School bus driver Mr. Zheng was sitting at traffic lights preparing to leave Route 129 in the direction of Provincial Highway No.1. However, with 25 students onboard, just as the lights turned green, the driver suddenly fainted at the wheel, his body slumping backwards and foot pressing down on the accelerator pedal. As the bus began hurtling forward, quick-thinking student Zheng Yong-chuan raced to take control of the steering wheel, scraping past a telegraph pole and narrowly avoiding collision with a bridge over Chia-Nan Canal, as well as dodging a motorcycle and two cars. In order to avoid colliding with a further approaching telegraph pole and residential homes, Zheng Yong-chuan steered the bus off the road in the direction of a vacant lot he happened to catch sight of.

The bus finally came to rest after careering through the vacant lot and crashing 60 cm down into a farmer’s field. Zheng Yong-chuan immediately instructed classmates to get off the bus and call 119, while simultaneously attempting to revive the driver. With the aid of students and local residents the driver was taken from the bus and thankfully any danger from the perilous 80 meter-30 second journey was avoided. 

Student Zheng Yong-chuan saves 25 students after bus driver faints at wheel 





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