
Brightening the Sky from 45 Degrees Part 2 - Taiwan International SOS, China Airlines and Chiayi City Government unite to facilitate Hong Kong trip

2015/01/06 14:11
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On 18th December 2014, Chiayi City Government and Taiwan International SOS joined forces to help transport Zheng Hui-lian (鄭慧蓮) to Hong Kong. Nicknamed “Denise the Menace” by her family, Zheng Hui-lian’s recent art exhibition in Hong Kong has opened a new door in her life. Hui-lian’s unique physical condition means that she is required to fulfill certain medical treatment criteria before traveling by air. Fortunately, after the family negotiated a number of twists and turns, Hui-lian finally took to the air and arrived safe at her destination in Hong Kong. 

Paralyzed from the neck down, Hui-lian must sit inclined to an upward angle of 45 degrees with painting brush clasped in her mouth in order to paint. 

In spite of such difficulties, Hui-lian’s determination and refusal to quit displays a spirit that is more than a match for most able-bodied people and she has touched all those around her. Hui-lian’s friends and relatives have been encouraging her to further develop this fighting spirit and came to wish her a smooth and successful exhibition.

Brightening the Sky from 45 Degrees Part 2
- Taiwan International SOS, China Airlines and Chiayi City Government unite to facilitate Hong Kong trip 



國際SOS 中華航空 嘉義市政府協力促成香江行 ~香港畫亮45度天空鄭慧蓮創作展紀(二) 影音






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