
The weaving art of Wang Wen-Chih

2014/12/23 16:47
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Growing up amongst the bamboo forests of Chiayi’s Meishan Township, Wang Wen-Chih (王文志) has a special feeling for the art of wickerwork and believes that bamboo’s fast growing habit makes it an ideal material for creative art. In a collaboration with Ne-hu Community College, Wang and local residents jointly built ‘Bihu Bamboo Cottage (碧湖織屋)’ in Neihu District’s Bihu Park, which stages art performances each Saturday.

Wang also personally installed a colored LED lighting system, illuminating the structure with a profusion of interweaving colored lights. Organizers had originally intended to tear down the woven structure and terminate performances at the end of this year; however, the latest news is that performances will be extended until next year’s Lantern Festival on March 5.

Another art installation by Wang is ‘Song of the Forest’ in Chiayi City, where he uses abandoned railway track, sleepers, vine, stone and other materials provided by the Forestry Bureau. With the main design image based on the area’s giant sacred trees and Alishan Forest Railway, Wang set about creating a calm and peaceful spiritual tower, allowing people to experience the deep tranquility of nature.

The weaving art of Wang Wen-Chih 





王文志是嘉義梅山人, 從小在竹林長大, 對竹編藝術情有獨鍾。他認為竹子生長快速,適合作為創作素材,因此與內湖社大共同在碧湖打造了藝術建築「碧湖織屋」。碧湖織屋每週六有藝文表演,王老師親手設計彩色LED燈,不同顏色變化交織著閃爍的光亮。主辦單位原本展演至今年年底後就要拆除織屋。最新消息將延長至明年3月5日元宵節。

王文志的另一件品 [森林之歌] 在嘉義市,他運用林務局提供廢棄的鐵軌、枕木、黃藤、石頭等材枓,以神木和阿里山小火車鐵軌為主要設計意象,塑造出一座清靜的心靈高塔,提供民眾體驗自然情境。



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