
Brightening the Sky from 45 Degrees Part 1 - Zheng Hui-lian travels to Hong Kong against all odds

2014/12/23 16:40
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Though paralyzed since the age of five, eighteen-year-old Zheng Hui-lian (鄭慧蓮) has always loved painting and in the third week of December traveled to Hong Kong to hold an art exhibition. Zheng Hui-lian is wheelchair bound and ventilator dependent, but since these essential pieces of equipment lacked the required Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification, airline companies refused to allow her onboard. Fortunately, after assistance from Chiayi City Department of Transportation and the medical risk management organization Taiwan International SOS, China Airlines agreed to offer sponsorship for this special case, and authorized Zheng Hui-lian to board the flight to Hong Kong. 

Zheng Hui-lian’s father Zheng Xi-cun (鄭西村) said that in order for his daughter to embark on this journey to Hong Kong, they had to negotiate many twists and turns. He extended his gratefulness for the invitation of Master Yong-fu (永富), abbot for Fo Guang Shan – literally Buddha's Light Mountain – in Kong and Macao, as well as for the assistance of medical risk management organization Taiwan International SOS and China Airlines. Zheng Xi-cun also called on the government to relax its restrictions and simplify the application process for disabled people traveling abroad by plane, thereby helping many disabled people realize their dream of traveling overseas.  

Zheng Hui-lian travels to Hong Kong against all odds 



突破萬難香江行~香港畫亮45度天空鄭慧蓮創作展紀(一) 影音






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