
100 Flavors of Life’ share warmth through ‘Stone Soup Plan’

2014/12/17 12:17
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PeoPo推 1

 ‘100 Flavors of Life’ is an organization composed of the three young people Zhang Shu-huai (張書懷), Zhu Guan-zhen (朱冠蓁) and Wu Yan-de (巫彥德), all with an average age of 25. They recently launched the ‘Stone Soup Plan’, a project accepting donations of surplus fresh food and produce close to it’s expiry date from ordinary people’s homes. Handling everything from the food’s preservation to its preparation and final cooking, 100 Flavors of Life and a group of dedicated volunteers use systematic planning and handling to produce piping hot food, which they then deliver to people living on the streets.

In order to ensure that people can enjoy the food with peace of mind, 100 Flavors of Life also considerately provides a list of ingredients used in the food. “At the very least I won’t go hungry, and that makes me feel I haven’t been abandoned by society,” said one homeless recipient of the food. But with the help of people in all sections of society, Stone Soup Plan can be even better and the spirit of giving displayed by those at 100 Flavors of Life, be maintained long into the future. 

100 Flavors of Life’ share warmth through ‘Stone Soup Plan’







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