
Final flame of oxy welders

2014/11/26 11:32
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Shixian Road is the widest and most beautifully landscaped road in Chiayi. Lying at the Zhuyuan intersection on Shixian Road stands Jianan skyscraper, which has been derelict for the last twenty years. With demolition of this landmark ten-story building commencing over the last few days, citizen journalists seized the opportunity to capture some rare footage of the bold Taiwanese workers on the job as they removed this ugly tumor from Chiayi’s landscape. 

In addition to the danger from corroded steel reinforcement beams in this long-abandoned building, technical staff also faced dangers from the weather, wind direction and wind force. As workers stood ten floors up on this exposed old building firing up their oxy burners to begin the cutting job, passing motorists showed visible concern for them undertaking such a perilous job. But only by enlisting the help of such a daring group of workers can essential infrastructure improvements be carried out in Taiwan. 


Final flame of oxy welders 


乙炔最後的火苗 影音






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