
Zhang Ting-rui’s note of self-confidence

2014/10/22 14:55
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A member of Yunlin Angels Development Association (雲林折翼天使發展協會), Zhang Ting-rui (張庭瑞) developed mild physical disabilities after suffering from cerebral palsy as a child. Through encouragement from his parents, Ting-rui took up violin to improve his confidence, and although the path has been arduous, he has slowly overcome his congenital disabilities. He is currently studying in first grade at Hu-Wei Senior High School and is a well-known street performer. 

Ting-rui’s mother said that due to defects in his legs and the sluggish responses in his arms caused by cerebral palsy, studying the violin has been more difficult for Ting-rui than for normal children, forcing him to use a great deal more time practicing the violin. Right from the very outset, Ting-rui was motivated to study the violin because he believed it would be a form of physical therapy.

Ting-rui has already obtained a street performer’s license and at weekends entertains people at Hsin Long Towels Tourist Factory (興隆毛巾觀光工廠). The noble Lin Guo-long (林國隆), general manager at the establishment, provides free space to Yunlin Angels Development Association and is full of praise for Ting-rui’s exceptional performances. 


Zhang Ting-rui’s note of self-confidence  


張庭瑞的自信音符 影音





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