
Pingtung government gradually improves Yanshan Highway in response to indigenous youth protests

2014/10/14 14:50
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Situated in the north of Pingtung’s Gaoshu Township and covering a total distance of 68.8 kilometers, Highway 185 passes through the townships of Sandimen (三地門), Majia (瑪家), Wanluan (萬巒), Laiyi (來義), Xinpi (Xinpi) and the southerly Fangliao (枋寮). Following the trajectory of the Central Mountain Range, the road is commonly known as Yanshan Highway – literally “highway that follows the mountain.” Over the past few years, however, it has been labeled with another name – “Death Highway.”

The high volume of dumper trucks using the highway causes frequent damage to the road surface and the county government has been trying to raise maintenance funds since it took over management of the road in 2012. However, residents living in townships along the route argue that it has become nothing more that a private road for dumper trucks, that maintenance work lacks proper signposting, and that no street lamps have been installed – all of which seriously endanger the safety of road users.

Groups composed of indigenous people from townships along the route have initiated a joint youth alliance and threatened to mobilize local people to take part in protests directed at relevant government agencies in three months time. 


Pingtung government gradually improves Yanshan Highway in response to indigenous youth protests


因應原鄉青年會抗爭 屏縣府將逐年改善沿山公路





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