
Yongding takes off – BRT hope for outlying township

2014/10/08 09:33
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PeoPo推 0

Located in New Taipei City’s Shiding District, many of the students at Yongding Elementary School live in outlying mountainous areas, which makes commuting to school very time-consuming. To address this situation, the school vigorously applied for a grant from the Department of Education and this September was delighted to formally begin using its new BRT (Bus Rapid Transport).

Since receiving the new BRT, in addition to an improvement in participation numbers at the school’s remedial classes, the students no longer need to cram into the local public bus and parents are no longer plagued by the worry of picking their kids up while still at work – many parents have commented on the added convenience of the new arrangements. The most wonderful thing about having the new 9-seater BRT, however, is that Yongding students are now spared the trouble of frantically rushing out after school in order to catch the public bus.  

Yongding takes off – BRT hope for outlying township



永定起航 偏鄉希望BRT





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