
PeoPo Summer Internship– Initiating the First Step in Citizen Reporting(August Camp)

2014/09/16 11:40
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PeoPo Summer Internship 
– Initiating the First Step in Citizen Reporting(August Camp)

During the months of July and August each year, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform holds summer camps to foster new citizen journalist talent in the student ranks. Regardless of whether the students are majoring is Communication Studies or not, the summer camp’s rich and unique course content has made it all the rage for those students interested in learning about newsgathering and news production. 

Attracting the participation of nearly 50 college students, the diverse course syllabus of August 2014’s camp included: sharing the theoretical and practical aspects of newsgathering; filming demonstrations; writing and voiceover practice; and SNG connection practice, etc. Four days into the course, students were provided with a wonderful opportunity to utilize all the classroom theory and practical demonstrations by filming and producing their own reports – many of these excellent quality reports produced by students at the summer vacation can be seen on PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform.

PeoPo is hopeful that this month’s camp will plant the seeds of citizen journalism in the hearts of these students, promote civic awareness and help hasten the maturing of Taiwan’s civil society.  



PeoPo實習營 開啟公民報導第一步(八月份)






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