
Xuhai Study Hall

2014/08/19 16:02
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Xuhai (旭海) is an economically depressed area located in an outlying part of Pingtung. Children in the area face the difficult predicament of lacking convenient school transportation, a proper study place, or proper tutoring. To address this problem, based on a spirit of selfless devotion, Pan Yi-Fang (潘儀芳) founded a small study hall in which the children of Xuhai can go to after finishing school for the day. Elderly residents in the area who are without loved ones to accompany them have also benefitted from the study hall, enjoying the opportunity to feel some human warmth. 

Born and raised in Xuhai, though Pan Yi-Fang left the area to find work after growing up, she never forgot her hometown. After taking a position at Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology (中科院), on one occasion she found herself back in Xuhai on a research project. Pan Yi-Fang realized that with most parents busy or working away from home they are unable to provide adequate childcare and the children of Xuhai are left to their own devices year-round.

Due to the scene she witnessed, 19 years ago, Pan Yi-Fang resigned from her position at Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology, sold her house and moved back to Pingtung with her husband –– all this was with the simple intention of giving the children and elderly people of Pingtung a place of refuge.  During the summer vacation, university students from Taipei, Hong Kong etc., as well as various volunteer groups, arrive at the study hall to accompany the children in their formative years, sharing both their life experiences and academic knowledge. 

Xuhai Study Hall







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