
Tamsui-Taipei Expressway up for consideration – Residents call to stop appeal

2014/07/15 17:39
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Tamsui residents have held a special press conference prior to attending the ‘Tamsui-Taipei Expressway’ land acquisition case, which is up for consideration on July 9. The residents stressed that the case has already seriously affected residency rights for many people in the area, as well as infringing on the mangrove conservation park and land specifically designated for the purpose of farming and livestock rearing.

The appointed lawyer Zhang Yu-Yin (張譽尹) mentioned that though the EIA was rejected at the first hearing, without a clear understanding of the situation New Taipei City seemed bent on appealing - this has raised questions as to whether land interests in the new town were behind the move. Tamsui resident Wang Zhongming (王鍾銘) called on the Ministry of Interior to remain firm and for New Taipei City to refrain from forcing another appeal.

Tamsui-Taipei Expressway up for consideration – Residents call to stop appeal

淡北道路審議 居民籲環評別補件再議





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