
The little gem of Hehuanshan

2014/07/15 17:32
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PeoPo推 1

Suffering from a very rare disease, Chen Wan-Ping (陳婉坪) underwent a tracheostomy when she was just three years old. In spite of the fact she was left requiring the use of a respirator, she has always dreamed of climbing Hehuanshan. Recently, the realization of this dream came one step closer when friends helped bring her to the famous mountain. One the first day, however, after Chen Wan-Ping experienced difficulty in adjusting to the high altitude, the group decided to first ascend Taiwan’s highest road ‘Wuling.’ This gave Chen Wan-Ping the opportunity to take some pictures and upload them onto Facebook, generating numerous ‘Likes.’

On the second day, Chen Wan-Ping’s condition had sufficiently improved, and she set off for Hehuanshan’s main peak. Forcing herself to endure excruciating back pain caused from the bumps along the trail, with everyone taking turns pushing her, it took Chen Wan-Ping two hours to reach the peak - one hour longer than the average climber. This was the first of Chen Wan-Ping’s ‘100 Peaks,’ and a dream come true. Aptly nicknamed ‘Little Gem,’ Chen Wan-Ping is undoubtedly the brightest little gem on Hehuanshan. 


The little gem of Hehuanshan









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