
A special kind of love for a special kind of child – An ordinary mother with extraordinary love

2014/06/18 15:37
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Happy Mount (樂山教養院) is located in New Taipei City’s outlying district of Bali. “Educare givers” and “care workers” at the center provide 24-hour care and service to medium and severely mentally and physically challenged patients. Mrs. Xiu-Mei, has been working at the center for 8 years; though she and her colleges are just ordinary mothers and fathers at home, at work, they are responsible for meeting the 134 patient’s demands in the various areas of life, health, psychology, training and rehabilitation – a truly extraordinary kind of love. The “educare givers” have a special motherly nature, not only providing care to these children, but also providing peace of mind to the children’s families behind the scenes. 


A special kind of love for a special kind of child – An ordinary mother with extraordinary love


 【特別的愛給特別的孩子】 平凡媽媽,不平凡的愛





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