
Young volunteers learn to serve – a real community experience

2014/06/11 14:10
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At a recent Dragon Boat Festival celebration in Taipei City’s Hede Village (和德里), Wanhua District (萬華), in addition to rice dumplings and tea offered to locals, thanks to receipt lottery winnings donated by the International Cultural Educational Foundation (環宇基金會), various gifts, hand-crafted scented bags and a community feast were also provided. Young volunteers wearing red waistcoats - all members of the community care club, which also serves as a community library - arrived bright and early at the venue before beginning to arrange the space, prepare lunch, carry in supplies, make scented bags, serve the communal meal, and even act as nannies for the day; the service provided won the approval of all the elderly residents in attendance. Teachers from the foundation hope that through providing service the young volunteers will get a first-hand feel of the community culture. 

Wanhua’s Fumin (福民社區) community is home to many disadvantages families and elderly people living alone. When one elderly resident, 91-year-old grandpa Zhuang (莊爺爺), was unable to travel to the community bash due to a leg injury, the festival volunteers delivered the rice dumplings directly to his home leaving him deeply touched. Delivering rice dumplings into the community gave the young volunteers a chance to show concern for elderly residents and underprivileged families, providing them with a rich and valuable lesson in life. 


Young volunteers learn to serve – a real community experience








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