
Jungong Road’s ancient name “Jungong Keng” forgotten

2014/05/27 14:09
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PeoPo推 0

Following the completion of Zhuangjing Tunnel (莊敬隧道) in the 1960s, Taipei’s Jungong Road (軍功路) was named using the ancient local place name “Jungong Keng (軍功坑),” which stretches back all the way to the Qing dynasty. The two words “Jung-Gong (軍功)” refer to the collection of military shipbuilding timber - the area’s military factory was responsible for the procurement and collection of military materials.

Military craftsmen were the first to arrive in the area known today as Junggong Keng in Muzha (木柵), where valuable Camphor trees were extracted; it was around this period of time that the place was named Jungong – “Army Work.” This historical period had a strong relationship with Taiwan’s development, and maps from around the time of Japan’s occupation of Taiwan as well as modern Google maps, both clearly display the place name “Jungong Keng,” making it a very significant historical reference point. 

Bojia Village (博嘉里) representative Zhang Miao-wen (長張妙) pointed out that the renaming issue was a focal point in the area as far back as 1997. However, it was not until this year that a petition to change the local name succeeded in amassing 80% of local names along the route – this petition supported changing the name to Hepingdong Road, Section 4 (和平東路四段). Perhaps it was the passing of time and a change in the local population structure that affected the success of this application to change the local name. Residents have chosen to abandon a familiar local road name and opt for entering the city’s matrix, extending a well-known city road name into the suburbs.

The main goal of the change is to make the area easier to find and increase its discernibility, hence providing a complete and consistent road name that will stimulate local development; however, with mixed local opinions, whether the name change will be a success remains to be seen.

There is no doubt, however, that locals are becoming ever more unfamiliar with “Jungong Keng,’ the area’s ancient local name, and the vast majority are unaware of its historical significance.  Changing the area’s maps, road signs and house plates to the new name will undoubtedly further hasten the fading of “Jungong Keng,” threatening the loss of an historically significant ancient place name forever.   


Jungong Road’s ancient name “Jungong Keng” forgotten



軍功路更名 勿忘“軍功坑”古地名


台北市軍功路的路名由來,是在民國60年代莊敬隧道完工後,利用當地的古地名”軍功坑”命名,而”軍功坑”係自清代流傳至今,源自軍工二字,為採集軍事造船木料,由軍工廠負責採購、蒐集軍工料,由軍工匠首負責至現在木柵軍功坑一帶開採樟木,後來才命名為軍功。這段歷史與當時台灣發展的背景有極大的關係,在日治時期的台灣堡圖與現代google map也都能看到軍功坑的名稱現身在地圖上,可見是極具歷史性。





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