
Garlic farmer’s son helps sell garlic – profits donated to the vulnerable

2014/05/27 13:46
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Following a bumper crop in this year’s Yunlin (雲林) garlic harvest, which resulted in a huge market surplus, wholesalers only offered farmers a meager NT$8.3 per kilo – some wholesalers abstained from buying at all. However, in spite of the market surplus, marketplace prices held a steady NT$100-117 per kilo, resulting in neither benefit for the consumer nor profit for the farmers. Xie Zhi-cheng (謝志成), the son of one family living in Kouhu Township (口湖鄉) who is engaged in the field of commerce, wisely used internet platforms to assist his father sell 6,000 kilos of garlic direct to the customer at the handsome price of NT$50 per kilo – equivalent to half the market retail price.

In a bid to assist the farmers sell their garlic crop, the Revenue Service Bureau of Yunlin County also procured a large consignment of garlic to act as complimentary gifts at a tax activity in the plaza outside Dounan (斗南) Train Station on May 20th, where citizens were awarded with 0.6 kilo of garlic in exchange for 5 purchase receipts (each receipt has the potential to win a lottery prize). The collected receipts were passed on to a local orphanage and disadvantaged groups. Garlic farmers have been encouraged to set up stalls at their local plaza and sell directly to customers. 


Garlic farmer’s son helps sell garlic – profits donated to the vulnerable


蒜農之子幫他農賣蒜 利潤捐弱勢


今年雲林蒜頭產量過剩,大盤收購價竟然一台斤才5元),甚至不願收購,但賣場售價依然為每台斤60~70元,導致消費者無受惠,農民無利潤。家住口湖鄉的蒜農之子-謝志成,因從事貿易工作,善用網路平台幫父親賣掉一萬台斤的蒜頭,還自願以高價收購他農所種植的蒜頭,以一台斤30元相當於市價一半,直接賣給消費者。為協助農民銷蒜,雲林稅務局也採購蒜頭當租稅宣導活動贈品,5月20日在斗南火車站前廣場舉辦「捐發票蒜我一份 」,5張發票即可免費換取一台斤蒜頭,所募集的發票再轉贈給當地育幼院跟弱勢團體。為鼓勵蒜農自產自銷解除囤貨困境,也邀請蒜農到活動現場擺攤賣蒜頭。 




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