
Makeshift road on West Section 4 of Southern Cross-Island Highway destroyed - 100 tons of Chinese plum awaits landslide clearance

2014/05/27 13:37
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PeoPo推 1

In the past few days, the fearsome Asian rainy season has shown its formidable power and destroyed a makeshift riverbed road in the village of Fuxing (復興), Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City. Recently, local Fuxing villagers have been harvesting their crop of Chinese plums (Prunus salicina) and have had no option but to make a long detour on Yusui Farm Road (玉穗農路). This road, however, has also suffered from landslides and is currently blocked while awaiting urgent repairs.

The district office dispatched excavators to assist with the work in order that villagers could transport their valuable crop of Chinese plums to market as soon as possible. Kaohsiung City Councilor Istanda Paingav (伊斯坦大‧貝雅夫‧正福) called on President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) to personally visit the site to witness the restoration work in progress. In addition to reminding all fellow villagers returning to the area and those harvesting Chinese plums to show extra caution while navigating Yusui Farm Road, Councilor Istanda Paingav also extended his gratitude to all the excavator drivers and workers who had helped in quickly restoring this essential mountain access road.


Makeshift road on West Section 4 of Southern Cross-Island Highway destroyed
- 100 tons of Chinese plum awaits landslide clearance



南橫西段河底便道沖毀 百噸紅肉李等路通





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