
Onward 300KM to Pingtung’s Gaoshi Village

2014/04/29 16:51
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PeoPo推 0

In order to provide free eye care to people in remote areas, a collaborative team from ORBIS Taiwan and Hualien’s Mennonite Christian Hospital made a 300km one-way trip to Gaoshi Village, which is located in the southern tip of Taiwan, in Mudan Township, Pingtung County. 

Ophthalmologist Xu Ming-mu (許明木) said that although children from indigenous villages tend not to suffer from nearsightedness, there are always a few special cases that require medical treatment. Unfortunately, due to the sheer remoteness of many indigenous villages, making the journey to medical centers is a daunting task for parents and students alike. As a direct consequence of long traveling distances, coupled with a lack of public transport in rural areas, the ‘Visual Screening Recheck Rate’ remains far from ideal. Nurse Zhang Ti-wei (張悌維), who is stationed at Gaoshi Elementary School, said she often drives the children to ‘Heng Ming Eye Clinic’ in the Hengchun Village, the nearest ophthalmology referral clinic available. In terms of the children’s eye care and correctional eye treatment, Zhang Ti-wei aspires to do more, but is often left with a feeling of powerlessness. 

Onward 300KM to Pingtung’s Gaoshi Village







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