
A home away from home

2014/04/15 10:39
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PeoPo推 1


Overseas Vietnamese Chen Lin-feng came to Taiwan twelve years ago. Born into a Guangdong Chinese family, she has always been extremely fond of Chinese culture. At the tender age of twenty, she found herself destined to marry a Taiwanese man, opening a fresh chapter in her life journey. Chen Lin-feng said that at the time of marriage she was just like a bowl of traditional Vietnamese "fish sauce" – simple, with nothing added.

Later, after arriving in Taiwan, she received the love and friendship of local people and began learning many new things; including computers, Chinese language, and food knowledge – slowly developing into a richer "fish sauce," with many new flavorings. Some time later, she began working as a part-time translator, obtained food-related licenses, and began to teach computers and Chinese language. Chen Lin-feng currently teaches Vietnamese language at Jhong Jheng Elementary School, in Fengshan Distrtict, Kaohsiung City. Living a life of great abundance, Chen Lin-feng has spread her brilliant rays of light over Taiwan.

A home away from home









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