
Workers of Closed-Off factories win legal case - Labor groups call on Ministry of Labor to drop all lawsuits

2014/03/18 11:54
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On March 7, Taipei High Administrative Court ruled against the Ministry of Labor (formerly Council of Labor Affairs) on the Closed-off Factories Case. At the ruling, which constitutes a “Public Law Dispute,” the court said that payments made by the Ministry of Labor at the time were compensatory in nature, and that as the five-year time limit to state a cause of action had expired, the plaintiff had lost the right to such an action. Two years ago, the Ministry of Labor (formerly Council of Labor Affairs) filed a lawsuit seeking the reimbursement of compensation money lent to closed-off factory workers 17 years earlier – legally known as subrogation. Closed-off factory workers had believed that the money paid 17 years earlier was severance pay and pension money they fought to win.

Over the last two years, the factory workers have continued to take a stand and fight, persisting with this 17-year battle. The history of this struggle has included a surprise attack on the Presidential Palace, a 9-day huger strike in front of the Council of Labor Affairs, and lying across the rail tracks in Taipei Main Station. Workers from Tung-ling Electronics Co (東菱電子), Lien-fu Textiles Co (聯福紡織), and Hsing Lee Paper Co (興利紙業) stood holding pictures of 5 deceased colleagues, comrades who had died on the long struggle bearing the burden of the Council of Labor’s lawsuit on their backs; the greatest tragedy is that these workers were not present to witness the ruling at Taipei High Administrative Court. “We are not satisfied with the ruling but can accept it because some of the workers have already passed away. We are grateful to the judge for passing this judgment, and hope the others quickly follow suit,” said Secretary General of Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA), Chen Hsiu-lien (陳秀蓮).



Workers of Closed-Off factories win legal case
- Labor groups call on Ministry of Labor to drop all lawsuits

關廠工人案公法判決勝訴 勞團呼籲勞動部全面撤告






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