
Shihlin’s Wang family raises US$578,987 – urban renewal law changes require scrutiny

2014/03/07 14:06
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The Wang (王) family from Taipei's Shihlin District (士林) has turned to the public and raised a counter guarantee deposit of US$578,987, which will temporary stop Le Young Construction Co. (樂揚建設) proceeding with the forced demolition of the Wang’s temporary residence. At the anti-nuclear protests on February 21st, Wang Guang-shu (王廣樹), owner of the Wang family house, announced news of the family’s successful fund raising initiative. On February 23rd, in the central hall at Taipei Main Station, a press conference was held to announce the launching of ‘Defend Right’s of Residence Marathon,’ which hopes to build links with organizations related with right’s of residence throughout Taiwan; a right’s-of-residence exhibition was also put on for the audience.

Homeowner Wang Guang-shu said that he was demoralized after receiving a double blow on January 29, just before Chinese New Near, losing the court case at Shilin District Court and being informed of the high guarantee deposit. Following discussions, Wang family members of Taiwan Alliance for the Victims of Urban Renewal (TAVUR) and lawyers decided to turn towards the public in a bid to borrow the money.

On March 28th 2012, Taipei City Government forcibly demolished the Wang family residence in Shihlin. Following the demolition, the Wang family and supporters returned to the urban renewal site and constructed a temporary residence. Le Young Construction Co. responded to this by issuing a notice of “unauthorized possession” and filed a lawsuit.

On January 29th of this year (2014), Shilin District Court ruled against the Wang family. Le Young Construction Co. provided a guarantee deposit of US$578,987, and the court agreed it would temporarily remove the building. In order to resist this second demolition, the Wang family was forced to raise the same sum of money as a counter guarantee deposit.

The Wang family completely refused to give up hope and abandon the land, and on February 9th an appeal was launched to raise money from the public; by February 21, the target amount of US$578,987 had been achieved. The money lent by those individuals and organizations symbolized the power of support for the Wang family. All the money borrowed will be returned immediately after the counter guarantee deposit is returned following the third court hearing.



Shihlin’s Wang family raises US$578,987 – urban renewal law changes require scrutiny


士林王家都更案 達成社會借款1756萬 四月都更法修法需關注






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