
Rural medical treatment record – Doctor provides urgent assistance

2014/02/10 16:40
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PeoPo推 1

On 19th January, 2014, a fire broke out at 63-year-old grandma Gao’s house in Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County. Following the fire on that cold winter night, together with her son who suffers from mild mental retardation, she was forced to spend several nights in a neighbor’s pigpen.

After receiving news of the incident, a doctor and volunteer from Hualian Mennonite Christian Hospital (花蓮門諾醫院) immediately embarked on a 100 kilometer journey to Zhuoxi Township. On arrival, they surveyed the situation and delivered a selection of donated goods, before conveying their heartfelt concern to granda Gao and her family. Grandma Gao’s eyes welled up after seeing all the help given to her, and as she recounted the events of that fateful night, it was obvious she was still in shock. Fortunately, the donated goods were delivered into Grandma’s hands, which should at least see her through the winter.

Rural medical treatment record – Doctor provides urgent assistance






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