
2013 gender discrimination review – concealed for 10 years

2014/01/28 11:31
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PeoPo推 0

Giving lectures all over the country, 27-year-old Afen is a speaker for the education team at Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association. In his youth, Afen’s feminine temperament attracted ‘special attention’ from his peers. With the hope that instead of criticizing and judging homosexuality, people try to see the real life of adolescent homosexuals, Afen agreed to talk about the on-campus bullying he experienced during his college years, and share the touching story of coming out with his family.

In 2013, the fight for ‘diverse family formation’ ignited heated dispute all over the country. Staff members at Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association were most surprised by the fact that although human rights and gender education have been promoted for many years, homophobic and anti-homosexual views still exist within every corner of Taiwan. For over 10 years, the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association has seen countless homosexual children with complete despair and dread for the future. Taiwanese society has told these children that they do not deserve to live; it has told parents that their children are abnormal, have no future, and will live their lives in darkness; it has forced these children further and further away from their parents, with little hope of a reunion. This report aims to inform parents and children that they are not alone, and that a homosexual identity need not drive a wedge between parents and children; on the contrary, it may well be the bridge to forming a stronger bond.


2013 gender discrimination review – concealed for 10 years







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