
Continual road works on Taiwan Provincial Highway No.2 - Residents demand immediate restoration of Highway No.2

2014/01/21 16:38
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For many years, the section of road between HongShulin and Zhuwei on Taiwan Provincial Highway No.2 - the main road link between Taipei and Tamsui - has been undergoing pipeline installation work. Due to the density of various construction sites along the road, the people of Tamsui have suffered greatly with traffic congestion. With the aim of taking the protest to New Taipei City Government and solving the problem, a group of young people has organized ‘Rectify Provincial Highway No.2 Placard Group’.

Recently, New Taipei City Government’s Water Resources Agency issued a press release stating that construction work on Taiwan Provincial Highway No.2 would be finished by January 15. The group decided to choose the day after the scheduled work completion date to hold a press conference outside New Taipei City Government. Early on the day of the meeting, the group inspected the construction sites only to discover that although fencing around the site had been removed, excavators were still present and the road was still in pieces – a far cry from finished. Group member Wang Zhong-ming (王鐘銘), said that unless New Taipei City Government takes responsibility for coordinating and supervising construction, the group will mobilize people to stage a mass protest on the section of road between HongShulin and Zhuwei.

Continual road works on Taiwan Provincial Highway No.2
- Residents demand immediate restoration of Highway No.2


淡水台二線挖路壅塞無止盡 居民要求立即整頓台二線






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