
Eco-tour wins gold – the outstanding Yunshui Elementary School

2014/01/02 12:13
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Bordering Yunshui River (沄水溪) and the Forestry Research Institute, Jhongpu (中埔) Substation, Yunshui Elementary School is a small ecologically abundant school located in the outlying areas of Chiayi County.

Beginning in the 2013 academic year, the school’s headmaster, Lin Song-jie (林松潔), began coaching his teaching staff on the implementation of a school-based curriculum that incorporated the training of children to become ecological tour guides.

This year, his students took first place at a countywide school ecology presentation competition.

In spite of the fact the children lack the same educational resources as city kids, on top of managing to utilize the pristine ecological environment to their benefit and raise the school’s status, they have also successfully trained wave after wave of expert tour guide and helped empower themselves with self-confidence and a sense of pride.

The school’s ecological park is divided into five large areas; the tour content includes plants (tree species), coffee, sweet gum, butterflies and birds, etc.

Under the expert guidance of teachers, in addition to the careful study of local flora and fauna, the kids have also learned presentation skills and the shooting and editing of film footage.

Eco-tour wins gold – the outstanding Yunshui Elementary School

生態導覽奪冠 沄水國小超棒 影音





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